This is the online help manual for the Collection Works website. You can scroll through or use the menu to jump to a particular section. If you click the help menu from a particular page it will automatically jump you to that section.

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The website has been designed to operate fully on a desktop computer, although it will work on mobile devices as well. For consistency of use all pages have the same size and layout. At the top of each page is the menu from which you can select which actions you wish to take.

As the website is essentially a database there are specific limits on some of the data that you can enter into certain fields. Any issues with data will be presented in one of two ways, either in small red letters underneath the entry in question, or possibly over the entire page.

All of the pages have a status bar underneath the main content. This area will give you further information on each page, including whether a particular action was successful, next steps to take, and some errors. When green things are generally good and if red then an error occurred.

There are some reCaptcha verifications required on some pages to try and prevent automated signups and log ons. These should not be too intrusive.

There is a donation button at the bottom of the Home page. It does cost money to keep the site running so any donations are welcomed.

Signing up

To sign up to the site you'll need to create an account. When you click the sign up link you'll see the page below.

Signup image

To complete your sign up fill in the form and click the 'Create account' button. There are some rules on what is acceptable for each of the fields.

Your first name can only be letters. Your last name can also contain ' and -. Both must be 25 characters or less.

The username must be 20 or fewer characters and can contain letters and numbers only. It must also not be in use by anyone else; you'll be alerted if the username you enter is already in use.

Your password must be between 8 and 50 characters long. If it is under 12 characters it must be complex, i.e. it must include a number and a special character.

Email address
Your email address must be valid. As part of the sign up process you'll have to confirm you own it. As some things may get emailed to you the email you use must not be in use by someone else.

Terms and conditions
You need to accept the terms and conditions in order to use the site.

Create account
Once you have your info and have clicked the button, and assuming no errors were found, your account is created. You will receive an email with a link that you must follow before you can use your account.

Verify account

Once you've signed up for an account you will receive an email with a link. You must click this link and sign in to verify your account.

Verify image

You get 5 attempts to verify your account otherwise your account will be locked. The only way to recover your account in that situation is to get in touch with us. You can only verify your account once. If you click the link again and try to sign in after your account is already verified you will get an error.


Login image

To log in to your account you just need to enter you username and password. If you have forgotten your password there is a link that will allow you to reset it. If you have forgotten your username you'll need to use the contact form to get in touch with us.

Forgotten password

Forgotten password image

If you've forgotten your password you need to enter with your username or your email address. Assuming one of those exists in the database you'll get an email with a link that will allow you to reset your password.