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Welcome to Collection Works.


This site is designed to help you manage and record information about any and all collections you may have. These could be books, DVDs, collectible figures, paintings, anything at all that you have lots of.

What it does

All data on this site is stored in a database, and the database has been made as configurable as possible so that you can customise - within reason - how it works for you. This seemed a better idea than trying to shoehorn information about your collections into something that works for me.

There are two options available to help you obtain information about your collections. One is a basic search routine that will show records on screen, and the other is an export of your data that you can then manipulate any way you like.

Getting started

To get started you need to create an account which you do can from the 'Account' menu above. Once you have created and validated your account use the other menu options to setup your database and add information about your collections.

Getting help

To keep the web pages themselves as clean as possible the information on each is fairly minimal. To ensure you know how to use the site visit the manual, available from the Help menu.

Support site

If you'd like to help support the costs of running the site you can make a donation via PayPal.

Support site